Fallout 3 Walkthrough – Operation: Anchorage! Fallout 3 Walkthrough – Point Lookout. The best one I know of is Lucky Harith, one of the trade caravans that travel by canterbury commons. Canterbury Commons has been injected with a dose of Grit and Glitz. A Fallout 3 walkthrough of the Quest The Superhuman Gambit. This gaming walkthrough video fron NextGenWalkthroughs shows you Fallout 3: Canterbury commons. My personal repair skill is higher but sometimes you cant find a duplicate of the item you want to repair, so i was wondering if anyone knew of anyone that has like a 100% repair skill or close. A Guide Primarily for Good Karma Fallout 3 Characters, but also provides tips for Evil.

He'll let your do two investments, the first costs 200 Caps, the second costs 500 Caps. This quest can reward the player with the unique laser rifle, protectron's gaze or the knife Ant's Sting. *Headphones Recommended*Relax to the sounds of Canterbury Commons.

I've repaired numerous weapons to 100% with my 100 repair skill, so I don't see why you shouldn't be able to. Über sieben Jahre nach "Fallout 3" und fünf Jahre nach "Fallout: New Vegas" schickt Bethesda die Spieler in "Fallout 4" endlich wieder in eine absurde postapokalyptische Spielwelt. It has tons of storage and lots of shelves and tables to display your things on. Weird consistent crash at Canterbury Commons, I can't go near the place or it crashes, no idea why. You can invest in the traveling merchants by visiting Canterbury Commons and talking to Uncle Roe. Agatha's Song - This quest gets you the Blackhawk if you get her both the Soil Stradivarius and Music Paper. Canterbury Commons The Superhuman Gambit achievement in Fallout 3: Completed "The Superhuman Gambit" - worth 20 Gamerscore. Big Trouble in Big Town - You can get a +1 luck bonus doing this quest if Timebomb survives this quest, as well as 300xp and some items. 1 Walkthrough 1.1 Upgrading the Caravan merchants 1.2 Merchant chart 2 Notes Through discussion with Uncle Roe, in Canterbury Commons, you can ask if the traders could become a unified group. Ive redone my load order with LOOT and made a Merged Patch with FO3Edit … Velvet Curtain 16.1 The Trouble With Tribals 16.2 Settling Old Scores 16.3 17.

Uncle Roe is the leader and founder of Canterbury Commons.He has a 15 year old nephew named Derek and is relatively friendly. *For Many this may as well be a main quest.